
VEE is installed via pip. We recommend installing in a clean virtualenv inside the VEE prefix:

# Pick the prefix.
export VEE=/usr/local/vee

# Create the VEE prefix.
mkdir -p $VEE
cd $VEE

# Create the virtualenv.
python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate

# Install from source.
git clone src
pip install -e src

# Any user who triggers a VEE build process
# will require write access into the prefix
sudo chown -R $(whoami):$groupname $VEE
sudo chmod -R o=rwX,g=rwXs $VEE


VEE takes its base configuration from environment variables. At an absolute minumum, VEE and VEE_REPO must be set.


VEE’s “prefix”. Everything VEE manages will be stored here.


The default env repo to use. Usually overridable via --repo flag.